Do You Have to Pay Taxes on YouTube Adsense Earnings? While most people want to know how much money you make on YouTube, what they don’t consider about YouTube earnings, is how much money you actually keep after you pay your YouTube Taxes… YouTubers are essentially freelancers or entrepreneurs, YouTube is not a job… you don’t get healthcare benefits, there are no W2’s and if you live in the United States you pay self employment taxes on your YouTube money earned from adsense monetization and YouTuber sponsorships. RECOMMENDED BUSINESS BOOKS FOR YOUTUBERS Get 2 Free Audio Books from Audible: Creative Inc Start Your Own Business Visual Artist Guide to Legal Forms Rich B*tch MY ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE YOUTUBE IS NOT A JOB IT’S A BUSINESS This is not a criticism it’s a reality. Stop calling YouTube a job or your job…. YouTube is not a job…. it’s a...