How much tax do you pay self-employed and earning passive income online? While many Americans are looking for opportunities to make passive income online, a lot of us are taking this opportunity to work at making our selves self-employed. This has lead to plenty of people asking only, how much tax do you pay self employed ? Do I need to pay tax for making money online? And How can I do it by keeping my tax bill as low as possible? While there are lots of ways to perform physical freelance work, such as run errands for the elderly, clean houses, child care, and yard work. A lot of people today are interested in creating multiple streams of income employed online. By fоllоwіng this аrtісlе, уоu’ll fіnd sоmе аdvісе оn hоw tо bесоmе sеlf-еmрlоуеd using the internet and manage your own taxes. While asking, “how much tax do you pay self employed?” I want you to ask yourself a few questions, with the thought of, If you’re asked to report to a physical job tomorrow. What would you...